2025年01月13日20时19分(北京时间),日本九州岛海域(31.88°N,131.6°E)发生6.8级地震,造成人员伤害和财产损失,严重影响当地生产、生活与生态的正常秩序,作为全球首例整体解决生产、生活与生态的“三生永和技术”的创始人,我宣布自即日起三年内, 向日本九州岛无偿提供“三生永和技术”(详细介绍附后)专利使用权。
大难兴邦,否极泰来! 希望九州岛能尽快开展各项震后重建工作,祈愿九州岛民众尽快重新过上健康祥和幸福生活,企盼九州岛能早日实现经济和社会全面绿色、生态、可循环、高质量、永续和谐发展!
联系人:宋志远 创始人兼总裁
Open Letter
Providing Free-to-Use Right on the Patented “Production-Living-Ecological Technology” for the Post Earthquake Reconstruction of Kyushu Island , Japan
On January 13, 2025 at 20:19 (Beijing time), a 6.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in the waters off Kyushu Island, Japan (31.88 ° N, 131.6 ° E), causing personal injury and property damage, seriously affecting the normal order of local production, life, and ecology. As the founder of the world's first "Production-Living-Ecological Technology" that comprehensively solves production, life, and ecology, I announce that within three years from today, I will provide the " Production-Living-Ecological Technology " (detailed introduction attached) patent usage rights to Kyushu Island, Japan free of charge.
Great difficulties bring prosperity to the country, but adversity brings prosperity! I hope that Kyushu Island can carry out various post earthquake reconstruction work as soon as possible, and I pray that the people of Kyushu Island can live a healthy, peaceful and happy life again as soon as possible. I hope that Kyushu Island can achieve comprehensive green, ecological, recyclable, high-quality, sustainable and harmonious economic and social development as soon as possible!
Kedao Jiahe Shengshi (Sichuan) Innovation Technology Co., Ltd
Contact: Founder and President Song Zhiyuan
Phone: 0086-13908186389
Email: songzhiyuanceo@163.com
January 23, 2025
Sichuan Kedao Production-Living-Ecological Technology in China can summary as: "Production-Living-Ecological": Ecology! Production! Life! Forever Harmony: Compared with the current world operation model, with almost zero increase in investment cost, through revolutionary breakthroughs and disruptive innovations to the current world: which include construction, agriculture, production and life pollution control, green ecological environment of urban and rural! (It has been fully affirmed by more than 10 professional academicians and experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences etc. It is also a demonstration project of the National Chengdu Agricultural Technology Center and the Urban Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has won the "Global Human Settlements Outstanding Contribution Award" at the 28th United Nations Climate Conference and the "Livelihood Demonstration Project Award", “People's Livelihood Strugglers” issued by the China People's Daily's Livelihood Weekly. It has obtained invention patent authorizations in more than 100 countries!)
I. Urban and Rural Construction Revolution
We innovatively replaced traditional inner and outer wall materials which is 20 to 50 centimeters thickness, with super thin and lightweight patented wall materials which is 5 to 10 centimeters thickness, which achieving saving construction and installation costs by about 20% and reducing construction waste by about 50% comprehensively,Increase building usable area by 15% -25%
II. Agricultural Revolution
This technology creates high-quality farmland in the underground, air, outer wall, and roof, which is N times the base area of the building , creating the myth of "land for all" for urban and rural residents around the world. (Meet the needs of residents in various buildings (communities, communities) to produce about 80% of completely organic vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, and livestock) .We have creatively transformed the traditional exterior walls of buildings into: summer fish and vegetable symbiotic aquaculture refrigeration (achieving a constant temperature of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius in summer, eliminating refrigeration and air conditioning, and producing no less than 3000 kilograms of organic fish and vegetables for residential buildings over 100 square meters). Transforming red meat into white meat, altering human dietary structure, and promoting human health and longevity. Winter fermentation heating (achieving a constant temperature of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius in winter, eliminating heating, air conditioning, and central heating) saves over 50% of daily electricity consumption for urban and rural residents.
III. Urban and Rural Life Pollution Control Revolution
Though source separation patent technology, we Collected urban and rural residents' organic waste (such as black water, kitchen waste), and mixed with other urban and rural organic waste (such as garden waste), agricultural production organic waste. All of these are used to producing biogas energy through the fermentation of the biogas system, consequently, it can meet the nearly 50% gas demand of urban and rural residents' domestic gas needs. The biogas residue and liquid, after fermentation (odorless), are made into organic fertilizer for agricultural production, which could meet the organic fertilizer needs of urban and rural " Good Agricultural House".
Grey water, after undergoing biochemical treatment, oxygen explosion, and wetland purification, becomes qualified irrigation water for agricultural production in a low-cost manner. Save about a quarter of agricultural irrigation water for Kyushu Island. Eliminate more than 50% of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in Kyushu Island, eliminate global urban and rural areas: domestic sewage treatment plants, domestic waste landfills, domestic waste incineration plants, huge investment, operation and maintenance costs, and completely eliminate the pollution and harm of the three major global sources of pollution to the earth.
IV. Green Ecological Environment Revolution
We integrated the traditional green ecological environment into agricultural (or functional, economic plants) production, cultural leisure, and industrial production functions, achieving the industrialization and value of the ecological environment!
Through the revolution of the above four industries, Production-Living-Ecological Technology will solve the following and related problems in Kyushu Island perfectly. Such as:
ž Insufficient arable land problem from the Ministry of Natural Resources!
ž Pollution control problem from the Ministry of Environmental Protection!
ž Insufficient quantity and quality problem of food (agriculture) from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs!
ž Insufficient water resources problem from the Ministry of Water Resources!
ž Insufficient energy resources problem from the Ministry of Energy!
ž Problems about building Green ecological city, Resilient city, Complete toilet revolution, Sponge city, Waste-free long city, Urban-rural integration, Industry-city integration, Park city, Negative carbon city, Carbon neutrality from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development!
However, achieving the above goals does not require the government of Kyushu Island to invest more money, and do not increase investment compared to the existing traditional operation model for investors. It also solves all the above problems for the renovation of old cities (urban renewal) with minimal investment per household. If the new buildings and urban renewal in Kyushu Island are constructed though "Production-Living-Ecological Technology", it will also perfectly solve many current problems, such as insufficient investment, employment, demand, and internal economic circulation in Kyushu Island. Ultimately, it will perfectly achieve green, ecological, recyclable, high-quality, and sustainable harmonious development in Kyushu Island.